Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Disturbing Discovery

For anyone who doesn't know, I am young. Not at all old. However, yesterday I discovered something that disturbed me. Apparently creases in the face are not solely age related but also life-related.

I have two (yes two) deep and not at all symmetrical, lines between my eyes that have made me look like I am perpetually angry. Or deep in thought. so apparently having kids has not only caused me to have stretch marks in places best left unmentioned, but also has left its mark on my face. I say my children because other people of my young age don't have these lines, in fact some of their faces look positively untouched by life.... which I don't want. I want smile lines, and laugh lines and the lines that make it apparent to all that your life has been full and well-lived. I just don't want anger lines, or any lines right now! I realize that this post is completely self-indulgent, but something about looking in that rear view mirror and wondering why
I'm upset, only to remember that I'm not at all upset, really unnerved me. If this is where I am at this young age, where will I be when these lines are actually supposed to appear?

All of this is simply to say that I may be young, but life has left its mark on me.... namely by walking across my face.


Cassie said... said...

I have 2 of the very same uneven lines between my brows. I figure if I just gain a little more weight they should puff back out!

Hannah said...

Yes. I thought being fat was supposed to mean no lines.... fat chance! Pardon the pun.