Friday, June 19, 2009

Speaking The Truth

I was driving down the road recently when my oldest child told me about a conversation she had been involved in with two friends. The girls were talking about church and, being near-teenagers, the topic became what they wear to church. The two friends shared what they like to wear, and when it was my daughter's turn, she told them her basketball sweats were her favorite church outfit. The two friends shared a knowing look, and then one of them asked my daughter "Do you go to one of those feel good churches?"

At this point I became very quiet, trying to decide on a good explanation of what they meant by that and what I think about it. However, before I could respond my son piped up and said "Yeah, it does feel good!"

My son is someone I often think is not listening. He tends to live in his own world and cares more about the next episode of Star Wars the Clone Wars, than what is going on in the room. I'm wrong. The truth is, he does know what is going on, and probably better than most of us. Because he cuts out the bullsh*! and just says exactly what he thinks and feels. While I was trying to come up with an explanation that both defined the term "feel good church" and, with political correctness, explained why some people feel this is a bad thing, and what the correct term for our church is and why we feel that son just told the truth. Yeah, it does feel good, and he's not ashamed of it, nor does he care what the term really meant or what anyone else thinks about it or why. Hmmmm. What if I did that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One day if I try really hard, I might be half the person my son is now.
