Sunday, November 25, 2007

Tried to Mrs. Suzie Homemaker this week and do an ornament craft with the kiddos. Here is what ensued.

The store sold this kit as a great ornament making craft for the fam....whatever. I managed to figure out what was needed for each ornament (wire cutters, wire bending tools etc.), Then sorted through approx. 5,0000 beads of various maddening sizes. Got the kids to slowly and maticulously make the correct arangment for the torture devices....I mean ornaments, at which time they ran from the table as fast as they could. I however could not be deterred. So I spent the next 2-hours making these ornaments from hell with only my youngest daughter at my side (because she finaly began ignoring me and making them however she wanted kid.) So 2 hours later I had: a chipped tooth (couldn't find wire bending tool), a metal sliver in my finger, had taught my children several new words.....and 24 beaded ornaments.....Merry Freakin' Christmas!!


Amber said...

LOL You crack me up!! So glad to finally find your blog! Yea!

I'm linking you on my blog! :D

Candice said...

sounds so perfectly normally abnormal.
I love ya my sister in the fields!