Monday, October 26, 2009

Fashion Shoot

With Halloween practically upon us, its time again for the kids to come up with costume ideas. Sadie came to me a few days ago, and announced her choice:

"I'm going as a Maude Model!"

Maude is a local boutique owned by our friend Becca. When Big D told Becca about Sadie's costume choice, Becca decided that as a Maude Model, Sadie should be dressed by her. This is the fabulousness that ensued:

We have a FABULOUS daughter.....and great friends!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

To Those With The Heart of a Lyon.......

I hope you guys are having a great time!!

These are the most recent pictures we have. I will send a better group of pictures soon.
Thank you for taking care of the person I need more than anyone else in this world. Please send him back now....I can't live without him.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dirty Jokes

This is from an email I received, it was so funny that I had to share it.

Handy Cleaning Tips

Dirt - Layers of dirty film on windows and screens provide a helpful filter against harmful and aging rays from the sun. Call it an SPF factor of 15 and leave it alone.

Cobwebs - Artfully draped over lampshades reduce the glare from the bulb, thereby creating a romantic atmosphere. If someone points out that the
light fixtures need dusting, simply look confused and exclaim "What? And spoil the mood?" (Or just throw glitter on them and call them holiday decorations.)

Pet Hair - Explain the mound of pet hair brushed up against the doorways by claiming you are collecting it there to use for stuffing hand-sewn play animals for underprivileged children. (Also keeps out cold drafts in winter.)

Guests - If
unexpected company is coming, pile everything unsightly into one room and close the door. As you show your guests through your tidy home, rattle the door knob vigorously, fake a growl and say, "I'd love you to see our den, but Fluffy hates to be disturbed and the shots are SO expensive."

Dusting - If dusting is REALLY out of control, simply place a showy urn on the coffee table and insist that "This is where Grandma wanted us to scatter her ashes."

General Cleaning - Mix one-quarter cup pine-scented household cleaner with four cups of water in a spray bottle. Mist the air lightly. Leave dampened rags in conspicuous locations. Develop an exhausted look, throw yourself on the couch and sigh, "I clean and I clean and I still don't get anywhere."
As a last resort, light the oven, throw a teaspoon of cinnamon in a pie pan, turn off oven and explain that you have been baking cookies for a bake sale for a favorite charity and haven't had time to clean.... Works every time.

Another favorite, I think from Erma Bombeck, always keep several get well cards on the mantle so if unexpected guests arrive, you can say you've been sick and unable to clean.

I have to add my own personal cleaning tip. When guests arrive unexpectedly, and the dishes aren't done, stack them up in the oven, shut the door, and wipe down the cabinets!!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Sometimes we can ignore what God is saying to us. Other times the message is so obvious that there is no use in denying it.

Since the first week in June, I have been reading the Bible and journal praying four or five days a week. God has sustained me through one of the most trying times in my life, during these quiet meetings of drinking His word and pouring my heart.

Two or three weeks ago, I was reading in Proverbs and kept coming across passages like these:

When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.

A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction.

A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered.

And my personal favorite

Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.

This is what I've been reading.......and then I walk into church two weeks ago and my pastor has the nerve to talk about the spiritual discipline of......wait for it...........SILENCE.

I have turned these things over and over in my mind. Tried to escape them, without success, and finally landed on the inevitable.


Monday, July 6, 2009

"It is easier not to meet the eyes of beggers - lest you be required to respond."
-Ryan Jamal (or whomever he stole it from)

I've watched my parents selflessly respond for years.... so many of us don't make eye contact.... like me.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

There are three fathers in my life. I respect them all more than words can express.
First, my daddy, he is and always will be a man that I look up to and value. When I think of daddy the word that comes to mind is dependability. I, as well as my five siblings and their spouses and children, can depend on daddy. He has done what he thought was best, even when it flew in the face of the world around him. He accomplished things that seemed impossible for him, given his circumstances, and his life is an example of a person's ability to change their course, and choose what is right. His legacy is found in his grandchildren, most of whom have already professed their faith in Christ, and been baptized by their papaw.
Second, my father-in-law, Stan. My husband's love and genuine affection for his dad, are rarely found in grown men.
When I think of Stan, the word that comes to mind is commitment. I don't know that I have ever encountered someone who is more determined in his commitments. He is committed to his wife and to loving her fully and forever. He is committed to his children and to teaching them what it means to have integrity and choose what is right. His quiet strength is an example to all of us who complain and fight against the things that happen to us in life. I look up to this man, and I am proud that he is my children's grandfather. I hope and pray that his grandchildren will look to his example in the face of adversity and choose what is right, committing to it fully.
The father that means the most to me though, is this one. The one that is raising my children. The one who comes home every night and isn't afraid or unable to hug and kiss his kids. The father who prays with my children. The father who takes the time to explain to our twelve year old the reason behind his decisions and why they are teaching her things she will need to know about life when she's grown, and working, and living on her own. The father who admires his son, and wishes he could be just like him, and tries to find the balance between spurring his son on and pulling him back. The father who saves the silly voicemail messages sent by his baby girl, and plays them over and over again, because he thinks she is so wonderful. This man shows both dependability and commitment, integrity, and endurance. Strength and courage in the face of adversity, patience, kindness and mercy. His legacy will be lived out in the lives of his children and I will forever be grateful to my heavenly Father for putting this father in my life.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Speaking The Truth

I was driving down the road recently when my oldest child told me about a conversation she had been involved in with two friends. The girls were talking about church and, being near-teenagers, the topic became what they wear to church. The two friends shared what they like to wear, and when it was my daughter's turn, she told them her basketball sweats were her favorite church outfit. The two friends shared a knowing look, and then one of them asked my daughter "Do you go to one of those feel good churches?"

At this point I became very quiet, trying to decide on a good explanation of what they meant by that and what I think about it. However, before I could respond my son piped up and said "Yeah, it does feel good!"

My son is someone I often think is not listening. He tends to live in his own world and cares more about the next episode of Star Wars the Clone Wars, than what is going on in the room. I'm wrong. The truth is, he does know what is going on, and probably better than most of us. Because he cuts out the bullsh*! and just says exactly what he thinks and feels. While I was trying to come up with an explanation that both defined the term "feel good church" and, with political correctness, explained why some people feel this is a bad thing, and what the correct term for our church is and why we feel that son just told the truth. Yeah, it does feel good, and he's not ashamed of it, nor does he care what the term really meant or what anyone else thinks about it or why. Hmmmm. What if I did that?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Reality is a hallucination brought on by a lack of alcohol." -unknown (no I don't mean me)

This morning I woke up (actually that is a lie, in order to wake up, one must first sleep, and I didn't do either). So, this morning I gave up, and got out of bed around 5:00. After seeing hubby off, I put on a pot of coffee, and looked out the back door, discovering that the dogs (see unpleasantly large animals pictured on left) were gone. Chewy (the one I'm not supposed to own on the top left) was the obvious culprit. I say this with complete confidence, because Cleo (the one that's supposed to be clean and indoors on the bottom left) sneaks out like a teenage girl. She goes out a hole under the back fence, that she assumes we don't know about. If she thinks we might be looking outside she won't acknowledge the hole exists.....she won't even acknowledge the fence exists! She's good. Chewy on the other hand sneaks out like a teenage boy. He wedges his nose into the largest, most obvious gate in the yard, pries it open, knocking over cinder blocks, and leaves it wide open, so that he can saunter back in when he feels like it.
They were gone. And I didn't want to go looking. A few minutes later a loud banging noise compels me to return to the back door, this time I discover that two robins have flown into my french doors, and committed the same time. (I don't know if this was a Romeo and Juliet kind of thing, or if they were just stupid.) Problem is, they did a lousy job of killing themselves and so flailed around, bleeding on the back deck for several minutes. At this point I decided that coffee would help, so I poured some, and thought about doing something productive....but before I could even sip the coffee, the dogs came wandering back into the backyard and Chewy (remember the one I'm not supposed to own) was soaking wet. Picturing the carnage that would ensue if the dogs got to the now (hopefully) dead birds, I panicked and ran to grab shoes and shovel, and threw the bird (that's right one bird, but I'm choosing not to think about that) over the fence. As I went to grab the hose to clean the blood off the deck, Chewy (still not supposed to own him) brushes up next to me, and I realize that he is soaking wet because even a dog knows he should bathe after being sprayed by a skunk.

Short story long, I washed the bird guts off the deck, ignored the giant, stinky dogs, closed the fence, and replaced the cinder blocks, went inside, washed my hands, and finally drank some coffee. It was almost 7:15.......a.m.

Not sure why I posted this riveting tale of my wonderful morning, other than just to see it all typed out.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No! I Don't Have Swine Flu...I Think.

Yes, I have been very sick. No! Its not the swine flu! Every well wisher that has called me over the last few days has eventually gotten around to asking...... 'well..... is anyone else from your trip sick?', or, 'when did you get back from Mexico again?', or, my favorite, the more direct approach, 'do you think you have swine flu?' The truth is no, I don't have swine flu....I think.

Since I can stand up and walk today, without pain or fear of fainting, I googled symptoms of swine flue, there are only 52 billion or so options for this, so I picked the three most official looking options...... on the first page :-)

The reason I say with confidence No! I don't have swine flu!, is that every list I checked called swine flu a
respiratory illness. I have not had a single respiratory symptom. The reason I add, I think, is that it also adds on every list that sometimes it involves vomiting. I have felt like sh*! and had the beformentioned vomiting. But, I'm much better so no harm done either way. I'm still dizzy, but I think that will go away.

Sorry for the Mexico pictures without any labels. Those pictures were just some of my favorites out of hundreds! We had the time of our lives, our precious friends wed, and Derek and I had our second honeymoon! We have all been trying to come up with reasons to go back next year! I can't begin to explain the beauty of
Puerto Aventuras or the spoiling we received from the resort where we stayed, but it was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I will forever be in debt to our friends for making that trip possible and necessary for us. They will never know what it did for our relationship.

So long story short, we loved it, we're back, we'll go again, and No! I don't have swine flue...I think.......

(Sorry for the small font, I don't know how to undo it!)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I've never liked kaleidoscopes. They hurt my eyes. The chaos makes me uncomfortable. Looking at them makes me feel physically tired.

Somehow, I've begun to feel like I have a lot in common with a kaleidoscope.

There are so many parts.....just like life.

All the parts don't always make sense by themselves. Black, green, purple, blue, orange.....

Work, problems, kids, marriage, church, friends, self...........

But they com together and make something that, despite my discomfort, is beautiful.

In the recent past, I spent at least a year in what I finally labeled a "mini identity crisis". After years of submerging myself in raising three young children, they were all in school. I had started a career, and had to end it. Martha Stewart housewife, definitely not my thing......I couldn't figure out what to do with myself..........

Then slowly, like the turning of a kaleidoscope, the picture began to change. I found a new job, one that allowed me to work within the field I am passionate about, as well as be with my children when they were home. I re involved myself in the kids' activities, under new labels, "cheer sponsor", "chauffeur", "counselor". The years I had spent investing in the development of my son took on a new dimension. My wonderful husband and I started relating in a new and even more wonderful way....... Oh yeah, and I remembered myself, not in the dark, self-involved, whats wrong with me way I had been, but just somehow, casually, bumped into myself along the road.

Oh....I remember you......didn't we know each other once?

What happened?

I'm not really sure. Yesterday I took a day off, a real one. I sat in a chair, watched Law and Order marathons mixed in with Paranormal State, and realized that I. Was. So. Tired. A good tired. The kind of tired that comes when you've been going hard and stop to catch your breath, and know that you will start right back up where you left off.

Not to0 long ago, I blogged about the difficult circumstances that we have been experiencing. That is the craziest part, life hasn't gotten any easier. I've just somehow come to terms with living it again.......

.....and even though it hurts my eyes, and the chaos makes me tired.....just like the kaleidoscope....

it is so beautiful.

Friday, March 20, 2009


This woman......

is fighting cancer......

She WILL win.

Fight on friend!

Here It Is

These are what I ended up ordering today in the actual colors shown. They are all from Newport News, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Do You Think?

These are the swimsuits I'm thinking of ordering. I want your opinions. Be brutally honest.
Also the white one will be espresso brown, the purple will be black and the burgundy will be purple. Hope that's clear as mud!

......and yes, I know wearing the swimsuit won't make me look like the models do :)

Also, I'm thinking something like this for the actual wedding...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break...And Other Ramblings

The first official day of Spring Break and I don't have a single thing to feed the masses for breakfast, fearing a peasant uprising, I did the only thing that a sane person could do........I went to McDonald's!

that last picture would be my 12 year-old texting during breakfast....because I finally gave in.

Mexico update:
I have officially begun to panic (those of you who know me well are not surprised). While very excited about my upcoming tropical vacation, there is a slight problem. I don't wear anything that shows my arms or legs.....ever. I haven't worn a bathing suit outside of my mother-in-law's back yard in the last 5 years. Last, but certainly not least, I am a shade of white that could be used for reflective purposes during nighttime activities! I have eight weeks to pull myself together. That could happen.....right?

Saturday, March 14, 2009


It is Spring Break!!!!! My children and I are more than ready for a week of relaxation and slowing down. When we go back to school it will be time for cheer try-outs and softball season.

....and when May rolls around Big D and I are heading to Playa Del Carmen for a seven-day holiday with beaches and umbrella drinks (thanks to the upcoming wedding of our friends.)!!!!

Now shut-up Cassie :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bad Mom Award

I deserve an award. A big. Fat. Award. For the worst mom EVER. I noticed, while helping my son get ready for church yesterday, that his shoes looked like they were stretched over his feet. I felt for his toe and found it, almost poking through the end of his shoe. Reaching back in time, I tried desperately to find a memory of buying his last pair of shoes. Found it. Before Disney World......a year ago. We bought him new shoes yesterday afternoon. He chose them.

Sign me up for worst mom of the year.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Please Forgive Me

I just re-read my last post and, quite frankly, it's a mess. Grammatically and otherwise. So, please forgive me and I will try to do better. More pictures of my kids are coming soon, I promise!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What's My Deal?

Okay. So, what's my deal? Why haven't I blogged since before Thanksgiving....and its March. I haven't been sure as to why. I've tried on several occasions to sit down and blog, and just could not do it. Why? Here is my theory.

Sometimes what is going on in life is to big to blog about, but also to big to ignore. So to blog about it is too overwhelming and to blog about anything else is heartless and cold. Is that clear as mud or what? That is my big philosophical conclusion. What does it mean? Not sure. But, I have decided to just blog about what has really been going on.

December, work is crazy, kids are crazy, life is crazy, I usually love it. Except this year my best friend for many, many crazy years, was having health problems. She went in for surgery on diverticulitis (no big deal, right?) Her husband called me crying when she was out of her surgery, it was colon cancer, at 32, with 3 young children. She spent Christmas in the hospital, and every time we talked it seemed like the news got worse. Level 2 to level 4, chemo every other week, to chemo, plus at home chemo every other week, and on and on and on. She's on treatment now, its going reasonably well. I love her, she's one of the strongest women I know.

Early February, love is in the air right? Father-in-law goes into the emergency room with chest pains. He's in great shape, active healthy, not over weight, doesn't smoke, it is bound to be nothing. The hospital hooks him up to an EKG-nothing, good news, but he can't pass a stress test. The heart cath shows 99% blockage in his front artery....he's a heart attack waiting to happen. The next day he has emergency bypass surgery. He is recovering beautifully. Praise God. He is an amazing man, and one of my heroes.

Late February, my beautiful 7 year old begins crossing her left eye into her nose involuntarily, it's nothing (this is what I keep telling myself) except it increases in frequency until one Saturday she is doing it up to 20-30 times per hour. The following Monday she sees her pediatrician, he orders a CT scan for that afternoon, as well as an EEG and an in depth opthomology appointment to be completed within a week. The CT scan is clear and the wait begins. As a mother all I can think is brain tumor, seizures, and every other scary term I've ever heard. I have to numb myself in order to breath in and out. My baby handles it all like the bravest of warriors. She doesn't cry during the CT Scan, acts like an adult during the EEG, and doesn't flinch for the opthomologist. I thought she wasn't even that worried, until the afternoon that I told her we were sure it was nothing, and that we were going to quit the tests. She laid her little seven year old hand over her heart and took a relieved breath. She had been terrified. Her eye has quit crossing in and the general consensus is that it was either a muscle tick or a virus that had settled in her eye.

Believe it or not in sharing what I have, many things have been left out. It has literally been 3 months of constant emotional chaos. God had been a life preserver we've held onto for dear life........

So that's it. That is why I haven't blogged and why I'm trying again. Hopefully I will do better in months to come.