Monday, September 22, 2008

Mr. Cool

This guy

may be my favorite all time Television character. The writers for his dialogue must be brilliant. Not only do they come up with hysterical commentary to be spoken between him and his friends, they also completely nail the super genius, quirky, anti-social, but somehow adorable personality of someone with Asberger's Syndrome. I watch him every Monday night on The Big Bang Theory, and laugh until I cry. No, I am not laughing at him, I am laughing with him and every other person who doesn't quite "fit" into the social categories of our world, but instead beautifully creates their own.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Living The Life

I have generally considered myself to be the antonym of organization, although going back to work full time has inspired me to improve. Nothing inspires change quite like absolute necessity. But I have a problem, when the rest of life gets busy, hectic, frankly insane, I slowly shed all the other parts of life that probably still need to be priorities like prayer, scripture, being nice, smiling.... you know little things, choosing instead to completely embrace a robotic existence of shower, coffee, kids, work, dinner, clean, sleep, rinse repeat. This has not proven to be the most positive of changes. I'm getting more done, however, I'm a bitch.

I had literally just sat down to check some emails and scream this post into existence. (Anyone who reads my blog knows that sometimes its where I just air it all out!) When an email from my sister-in-law caught my eye. She forwarded me the post from a man whose sister has an autistic son. It was a beautifully written reminder that life and servanthood are a gift from God, and that the things we do for others and how we handle life, stress and obstacles teaches everyone around us something (I did mention something about being a bitch right?) I constantly tell my kids to have a happy heart, why in the world would they? I don't. I am teaching them to survive life, not live it.

I have faced harder things than my current state of busyness and exaustion, and I did it with much more grace and faith. God is telling me to get a grip and smile. To leave the dishes and hug my kids and to remember that my life is a lesson to those around me but I have to choose what they are being taught.