Monday, March 3, 2008

See that.... he's waiting for us.

If you have been looking at my countdown, you can see that we are down to about a month left before our big Disney Trip! That's great, except for one little thing, I am not even close to thinking about being ready.

So here is my request. I NEED SUGGESTIONS. I've never flown before, much less flown with three kids. I've got to get spring clothes together for all of us, figure out the luggage. Do I take 8 days worth of crap, or pray for a place to wash clothes?


So come on, give me your tips......

1 comment:

Jae said...

Hey - someone recommended "The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney Worlds with Kids." I picked it up at Barnes and Noble this weekend. I'm reading and highlighting and plan to share my wisdom. But I didn't think about 8 days of clothies for 5 people. Thats 40 outfits! Yikes. I'll think on that and get back to 'ya!