Tuesday, June 12, 2007

First Time

This is my first post as a new blogger. I haven't even decided if anyone else will ever read this page, but I guess it's more for my sanity than anything else. I need a place to express myself. To say what I need to say and let it be out there, instead of in here. I have quit my job and now I am trying to figure out what in the world to do next. What is the next step on my journey. I mean I know the next step is to the ballfield or the dirty dishes or the laundry.... but what is MY NEXT STEP. Is there a next step or do I just keep on keeping on and wait until it steps on me? I'm not sure.


Vanessa said...

"Hello, Seattle...I'm listening."

Hannah said...

I knew you would understand!

Derek said...

I read your discription of the color purple before Derek told me who's blog I was looking at. That is an awesome way to express a feeling. You go girl. Charlie A

Anonymous said...

now I remember why we are bf's! Cas