Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Derek's lookalike

Tonight we had the wonderful experience of meeting Derek's biological uncle, Bill. He is a long-haul truck driver who makes a weekly run from California to Pennsylvania and back. We met him, with our kids, at a stop he made about 60 miles from where we live. Can you see the family resemblance!?!


Jae said...

Wow! What a looker! Nice to know that your hubby will age well - huh?!?!

Anonymous said...

Yes-I told him that I now know what he will look like in 20+ years.

Anonymous said...

Ok, now that's about the craziest thing I have ever seen! I mean really! They could be twins if they were just a little closer in age. Don't you think the craziest thing is that Derek can't see it?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Yes-the craziest thing IS that Derek can't see it. His co-workers said they couldn't see it either (kiss-ups).