Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Miscellaneous Ramblings

Yesterday, as I was dealing with some very difficult situations, God reminded me of his ability to use any circumstance to draw me close to him.

Update from yesterday: I made a list of goals. They aren't much, but it is a step in the right direction.

I have discovered the most amazing new hobby. Urban exploration....or looking at pictures and reading about other people's urban exploration. There is something amazing, creepy and surreal about looking at old abandoned buildings, theme parks, and homes.....especially the homes. Shells of a past existence, with little hidden reminders of the life once lived inside. I am going to find a way to write about this more extensively. I am researching these old houses on almost a daily basis right now, and every time I do, there is something about them that draws me in more......The house pictured above is call Mudhouse Mansion, it is in Ohio.


Anonymous said...

Your new nickname can be "subURBAN EXmama"


Vanessa said...

I am so with you on this! Just wait til you see my pics from Memphis...
I have always been fascinated with these kinds of finds and have tons of pictures...which I have always wondered what to do with...maybe we could make our own blog for abandoned spaces....

Anonymous said...

It makes me think of the house they filmed the original Psyco in.