Monday, July 28, 2008

Burn Baby Burn

A fever has been burning its way through my happy home. Last Wednesday afternoon my youngest came to me glassy eyed and flushed and proclaimed "I don't feel good". What followed was two days of utter misery for her as the fever raged and did not respond to medicine. My good friend Ness, had been dealing with the same plague at her house so I was pretty sure it was viral. Then, just as quick as it came it left. Baby girl was a little tired and weak, but not for long and is now 100%. So, as always happens in multiple child homes, my son came to me glassy eyed and flushed and made the proclamation "I don't feel good" and well, you know the rest. He is so sweet when he is sick, telling me over and over again, how much he loves me and how much he loves his family. It makes it 5 times more pitiful. Thankfully he is responding to the fever medicine. My oldest is in cheer camp every afternoon this week and really can't afford to miss it because football season is just around the corner. So hopefully she will stay well.

I'm posting all of this in my usual attempt to maintain sanity, and have discovered that when illness slows our crazy life down, I have way too much time to think. Trust me, I wouldn't even know how to begin to post about whats been going on inside this head of mine, but my hubby did (very lovingly) suggest counseling at one point. I will however, forgo counseling for at least one more week because book club is on Wednesday and we like to follow up with margarita's and girl talk. That should take care of it.

I woke up this morning not feeling well, but am willing myself to be well (wonder how that will work out?)


Vanessa said...

feeling any better yet????

hubby is still flat on his back and looks pretty much like death warmed over. Make that death WAY warmed over.

Jae said...

Genna's had it too. Now Gracie is FOB (Flat on Bunk - an old church camp term).

Sara said...

Willing it away does work sometimes! Hang in there!

Cassie said... said...

were is my post!!! Are you blocking your best friend??????

Hannah said...

No way! I have no idea what happened.

Cassie said... said...

do you even remember when they were all that little. You know the picture of all three of them at the park was the the first day we all went to play at the new park

Anonymous said...

i am finding all these vintage people .... oh my!
my husband and i attend vintage... hi there!

Hannah said...

Hi Jasmine, welcome. I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now!

Hannah said...

Hi Jasmine, welcome. I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now!

Hannah said...

Hi Jasmine, welcome. I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now!