Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Great Election

To be honest, about this time each election year I start to loathe the very thought of presidential anything. Sickened by the mudslinging, and greasy politics, I shirk into political denial giving some lip-service to the candidate of my choice, but mostly hoping that somehow time will speed up and the process will end.

But not this time. While I am not ready to commit 100% to a candidate, for the first time I can remember, I AM EXCITED! This election is groundbreaking, and I can't wait to see the outcome. No matter what the outcome, America is headed for change. The kind of changes that our parents thought unlikely and our grandparents considered unthinkable. I also believe that both candidates, while obviously having different points of view, see the need for a new kind of president and will try to offer that to us.

No matter what happens I intend to wake my children up the day after the election and say, "Guess what? For the first time in the history of America a _________ was elected to the white house, and you are seeing it first hand. You should be proud of your country today."

I can't wait.


Cassie said... said...

Are you kidding? Do you really think you will be able to wake up the day after and know who the President is?? What about all those pregnant chads waiting to be born?

Anonymous said...

I feel exactly the same way. We will either have an amazing, intelligent black man with an experienced counterpart or a true American hero with a ass-kicking mega woman by his side.

By the way - love the new look on your blog. Luvya Sis